To survive or sacrifice

For many the choice of survival is more natural and compelling option than that of sacrifice. It’s only natural from our lower level to the graduation we are trained to compete. Sacrifice seems a stuff of leaders and the survival seems to be must for all people. But, in a nation where we have got our very freedom with the sacrifice of many, how can we have survived without those who sacrificed. Would we have made it without the good will of the few who donated generously when we were in need, would we have made it if the kings of Old fought to protect the society as a whole would we survive if the farmers of the country decided to enjoy their life more than provide food. I am not sure if their sacrifices are noted, but we have known it’s the sacrifice of those few that balances the greed and need of many. “To survive or sacrifice” Very few have these questions running in their head these days and very few choose the later. Sacrifice seems a hard word; many feel it leads to the lack of individual good. But, no one ever recalls if it’s not for the sacrifice of great men like Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, many would have no future. So, why do we hesitate, simply because in this competitive world sacrifice means to loose and in India we are not taught to lose we are taught to win. Win what in this world if we have no love or sacrifice, the world begins in pain and mystery for all, what has changed in this world after it as began. One as to suffer for the benefit of life, if no one suffers there won’t be life. I once heard of a story where a caterpillar being transformed into the butterfly was trying to get out of it cocoon and feeling pity of its struggle a person freed it from its suffering, only to find out it needed to suffer to complete the process of changing. In Indian cities people are averse to this suffering, what better data can prove it other than the fact that the number of surgical births have spurted rapidly. Sacrifice or suffer is not the worst thing its part of life, one cannot have smiled and not have cried. Why think that one can be ignorant and be ignorant always without seeing that without sacrifice we shall not survive.

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